Exam preparation courses DELF, IGCSE French, IB French
We have been helping students achieve top results for the DELF, IGCSE, IB, and HKDSE exams. Some of our teachers are official examiners in Hong Kong. We have a wide array of resources available for exam preparation including past exam papers, a variety of books specifically designed for each exam board, as well as our own resources of tips and tricks to help our students pass the exam. We can provide you more details about the upcoming exam dates as well as solving any doubts you may have regarding the registration process, exam syllabus or exam format. Below you can read a brief information about the mot common exams available in Hong Kong. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need more details for your exam of interest.
DELF Prim and DELF Junior
These exams are intended for kids and teenager. Several levels are available (the first one is A1.1) and there are new intakes twice a year. After learning french for 1.5 years having classes once a week you would be ready to pass the first level of the exam.
DELF (adults)
The Diploma of French as a Foreign Language is intended for adults students to be able to certify their proficiency in French following the European Framework of Reference for Languages. This exam has the certification from the French government and you can take it in Hong Kong twice a year. You can register and take the exam for all the levels from A1 to C2.
I/GCSE French
This is the official exam that students of the British curriculum take after finishing the first 5 years of compulsory secondary education (Year 7 to Year 11 in the international system. Students who are not in a international school programme can still take the exam if they prepare for at lest 3 years.
IB French Language B
The international Baccalaureate has been developed in the context of cultural diversity and is followed in most international schools in Hong Kong. For the language B (for non native speakers) students can take the Ab Initio level (beginners), the Standard and the Higher level. Ab Initio is intended for students that never learned French before while SL and HL is for students who already did French during the middle years program (Year 7 to Year 11). Our teachers are totally familiar with the exam syllabus and will be the perfect partner to help students achieve top grades in this exam.
A-levels, SAT, HKDSE, TEF
Our team of 15 full time teachers are also familiar with other exams that are less common in Hong Kong. Ask us to find more!